We've produced a lot of helpful articles since the site was created! Articles that help explain Plurality with DID/OSDD, tutorials that teach programming, and a lot more. With more articles coming all the time, some places have found linking our articles a good way to provide manuals or tutorials. The only problem is our URLs are so long due to the way the site is generated. To long to easily remember at least.
Introducing Patchbot
Patchbot is a free to add bot that provides a simple index and interface to this website! Once you add the bot it may take a few hours, but you should start seeing new Slash Commands in your guild/server. Below are the current supported commands:
Patchbot Commands
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This command provides a paginated embed listing all of the articles from this category. The category argument is pre-populated with all categories with at least 1 published article.
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This command provides a paginated embed with all articles matching your search term from the provided category. The search checks against title, tags and the article body. The category argument is pre-populated with all categories with at least 1 published article.
If you want you can add Patchbot to your server right now!