Articles by KatieKat

Embed Plugin, Dependency Injection, and Buttons/Components!

Authors: KatieKat Asterisk

Note: This is part 2 of an ongoing series! If you didn't see Part 11, make sure to read through it. It gives the basic setup for this project that you'll need. If you're already familiar with Hikari and Tanjun and want to get right into it, just clone …

Read more about Embed Plugin, Dependency Injection, and Buttons/Components! >>>


Authors: KatieKat Asterisk

What is a Switch?

Switching refers to one Alter or Part taking control of the body from another Part. Generally Switches are grouped into three categories; consensual, forced and triggered.

Consensual Switches

Consensual switching is when two or more Parts mostly agree before a switch occurs. An example of consensual …

Read more about Switching >>>

We appreciate Donations & Tips!

We would much rather be making cool tutorials, streaming code, and making accessibility tools. Unfortunately we have bills and a job. Hopefully one day, with enough Patrons and donations this can be fulltime!

Build a Discord Bot in Python with Hikari & Tanjun

Authors: Asterisk KatieKat archived so it's time to find a new Discord Bot library for Python! We searched for a few weeks and reviewed multiple projects. By the end Hikari and Tanjun looked most promising to us.

This series will start from scratch and slowly build a Discord Bot all while …

Read more about Build a Discord Bot in Python with Hikari & Tanjun >>>

We appreciate Donations & Tips!

We would much rather be making cool tutorials, streaming code, and making accessibility tools. Unfortunately we have bills and a job. Hopefully one day, with enough Patrons and donations this can be fulltime!